Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gospel for April 27, 2008 - John 14:15-21, The Sending of the Holy Spirit

John’s audience were non-witnesses of Jesus’ life on earth. They were people in a community who have heard about Jesus’ life and ministry from secondary sources. We, the singles apostolate, are in the same situation as John’s audiences. We did not experience being with Jesus physically but He is spiritually present in our lives.

In this gospel, Jesus sent an Advocate to be with us as He goes back to the Father. In other versions of the gospel the term “Paraclete” was used. “In Greek the word “parakletos” comes from “para” = alongside of, and kaleo = to call, which refers to any “resource person” who is called at the side of an accused in order to help the accused in his defense. The word “Paraclete” has a lot of nuances such as counsellor, attorney, lawyer, helper, assistant, defender, auxiliary, spokesman, witness.”[1] The Holy Spirit who Jesus has sent can have many roles in our lives, depending on the situation when we need to call on the presence of Jesus. John also emphasised that there is no distinction between Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus may no longer be present with us physically but He is still with us spiritually and very much present today even 2000 years later through the Holy Spirit.

The second learning is Jesus’ reminder that “keeping the commandment is also keeping His word” and that it cannot be taken separately. Keeping Jesus words or teachings means believing in them. However, it is not sufficient that we just believe in His teachings, there should be an action or an obedience manifested in our behaviour. If we say to ourselves, yes I believe and accept Jesus as my Lord and saviour, then I should show this through concrete actions of love for one another. In the same way, good works without faith is also insufficient for a Christian.

Discussion Question:

In using the word “paraclete,” John suggests that the Holy Spirit (or Jesus’ spiritual presence today) can work in many ways. How does the Holy Spirit work in your life?

[1] Hungry No More, p. 191, v.16

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