Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gospel for

There are two gospels in the Church calendar for Easter Sunday. The to be read in the morning is John 20:1-9, and the one in the evening is Luke 24:13-35. The two Gospels celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are told of two aspects about the Resurrection in both gospels.

The first is that the Resurrection of Jesus is a bodily Resurrection. In John 20:1-9, the author gives a very detailed account on how Jesus’ followers found the tomb empty where Jesus was buried.

In Luke 24:13-35, it explains that Jesus Resurrection is also a spiritual Resurrection. When two of His followers were talking with Jesus Himself on their way to Emmaus, they did not recognize Him; meaning that his Resurrected body is no longer the same as before His death. They only recognized Him when He was already breaking bread with them. How exactly is it different? No one knows.

Jesus died and seized to be with us physically but when He resurrected from the dead, He became alive but not in the same physical form. It is unlike the resuscitation of Lazarus who was brought back to life in his own body and later on died again. Jesus’ resurrection transformed Him in a way that even His disciples could not recognize Him. Resurrection is not just resuscitation of the body, but also a spiritual transformation.

The Resurrection reminds us that Jesus is alive and is with us even to this day. It is the cornerstone of our faith. But every time we proclaim the Resurrection to others, imagine that other person asking you, “How can you prove that?” The best proof we can give that person is by showing him or her that Jesus is alive. How? By living the way Jesus lived. Jesus is alive when we are just, humble, selfless or when we share with the poor just as Jesus did when He was physically with us. When we love and forgive others, then we show that Jesus is alive.

How is Jesus alive in your life? How can you show the people you work with that Jesus is alive?

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