Sunday, July 06, 2008

Gospel for July 13, 2008 - Matthew 13:1-23 Parable of the Sower

In this gospel, Jesus uses the Parable of the Sower to illustrate the outcome of seeds that fall on different types of soil. The picture drawn by Jesus in this parable represents two parts in contrast: one bears on the failure on the part of the seed when it falls on unsuitable ground and the other, on the success of the rest of the seed where the seed yields an abundant harvest after it falls on rich soil.

The parable is fundamentally optimistic in its conclusion. This is shown in Jesus’ use of extraordinary figures such as “a hundred, sixty or thirtyfold” to describe the produced fruit. According to historians, the average yield of the harvest is only 7.5. Palestinian soil could never have reached the degree of fertility that Jesus mentioned in this parable. And during those times in Palestine, much of the seed is wasted as they are scattered on unsuitable ground because the sowing often preceded the tilling of the soil. Yet while much of the seed fails to produce fruit, Jesus stresses that the seed that falls on good ground bears fruit in extraordinary large measure that outbalances the losses. In this parable, Jesus wanted to highlight triumph over failure.

In our lives, at one time or another, we experienced failure or disappointment in failed relationships, difficult people, career problems or unfulfilled dreams. The message of this gospel is that we should not lose hope or give in to discouragement. The seeds that God planted in our life will eventually yield a bountiful harvest that will overshadow the failures of our past. So long as we strive for what is aligned to God’s will and let Him take control, we must trust that He is aware of our needs and that He continues to shape us into the persons He wants us to be.

What difficulties are you faced with right now in your life? List them down and offer them up in prayer to the Lord. Submit to His will, allow Him to take control and trust in the bountiful harvest He has prepared for you.

Source: Nil Guillemette, SJ. Parables for Today, pp. 26-30.

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