Sunday, May 25, 2008

Commentary for Sunday Gospel of June 1, 2008 - Matthew 7:21-27 The House Built on a Rock

This is the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount (Chapters 5-7). Matthew’s audience were Jews who became Christians, and yet calls some of them “evildoers.” “I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’

The literal translation of evildoers means “doers of lawlessness.” Remember that the whole law is summed up in two commandments: love God and love your neighbor.

Even if some Christians did good works, Jesus tells them they have not done the will of the Father. They prophesied, drove out demons and did mighty deeds. They did good works but they did not love. Their actions were not motivated by love.

Further into the passage, Matthew says “whoever hears this word of mine and puts it into practice is like the wise man who built his house on a rock.” “To do” occurs 11 times from verse 12-26 of this Chapter.

The message of this gospel passage are classic Matthew: firstly, action must follow words. Second, the action is based on love.

It is not enough to say that one believes in Jesus. A true disciple of God manifests Christ through actions. These actions must be done with a clear motivation to love and glorify God. When we do that, then we are building our houses on a rock.

We all do our Christian actions for others. Take a moment to check your motivations.

Sources: Nil Guillemette, SJ. A Kingdom for All, pp. 175-177. Nil Guillemette, SJ. Parables for Today pp 19-25.

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