Sunday, March 02, 2008

Gospel for March 9, 2008 - John 11, 1-45 Jesus Raises Lazarus

(By Mike Gan, reviewed by TM)

The raising of Lazarus is the final sign in Jesus’ public ministry which leads to his condemnation and death. It is also the most powerful and important sign because it does not merely involve healing the sick and feeding the hungry, but raising someone from the dead, a power proper only to God.

In the Gospel, when the most powerful sign is about to be performed, Jesus behaves in a shocking manner. John prepares us by first saying that Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters. Jesus loved them and yet, when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was for two more days. Why would Jesus do that?

John wanted to highlight that Jesus always acts in accordance with his Father's will, not the will of his family or his closest friends. He is concerned first and foremost with God's glory, with doing God's. His love does not feel like love at first, but it is. But as we shall later on see, it is for the best. His seeming delay will lead to a greater blessing.

Today we easily find ourselves in difficult and even painful situations. We cry out for help but there are times when God seemingly delays in answering our prayers.

What is my attitude when I feel that God delays in answering my prayers? How do I find faith and comfort in those trying times?

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