Friday, October 07, 2005

Be Like Little Children (Commentary by Cheryl, SE5 and SE10 Shep)

In the Gospel, the disciples asked Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" Jesus called a child over and told the disciples "unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Back in those days, children were considered as the lowest ranking members, if not the weakest members of society. They were pieces of property without any rights, powerless to defend themselves. So why does Jesus want us to become like little children?

I believe Jesus did this to dramatize the point that they needed a radical change in attitude. It is as if Jesus was saying it would require a complete turnaround for you to enter the Kingdom of God.

There are three qualities that Jesus wants us to learn from a child:
1. Humility
2. Obedience

How is a child humble?

Observe a child. When you put him in one place, he will start exploring the area. He will touch, taste, and smell things. He doesn't care whether he falls down, he gets burned, or he puts something in his mouth. Why is this? Because he doesn't know anything and that's the way he learns.

But as we grow older, we tend to lose this humility. As we become more independent and more successful, we become conceited, so full of ourselves. We become self-absorbed and close-minded, believing that we know it all, that we don't make mistakes, and therefore can't see our faults.

Let's bring back humility in our lives. Those of us who are new in the Apostolate have this eagerness, willingness, and openness to learn. We should always have this attitude. For those of us who have been with the Apostolate for some time, let's not think that we've done everything that needs to be done, and "that's it" for us. Let's all be like children who are not afraid to explore; let's be bold and courageous in coming up with new ideas and activities to enrich our spiritual lives, to experiment and take risks by trying out new ways of learning and serving.

How is a child obedient?

As we grow older, we become hardheaded, stubbornly insisting on what we want instead of what God wants. We become self-centered. When we don't get what we want, we complain, we rebel. A child thus teaches us to follow Jesus, never doubting. When we become like children, we should have a child-like trust in a loving Father, a trust which awaits everything and grabs at nothing.

Let us allow God to lead us in moving forward with things that will help us in our spiritual growth in this Apostolate. There are times when we are asked to participate, be involved, or even lead in different activities. Let us not hesitate to say yes to God's call. Let's put aside our doubts and respond to Him wholeheartedly with a "Yes, Lord!I'll do it!" And then let us trust God and His perfect plan for us.

How is a child simple?

Children find joy in the simplest things. But as we grow older, we tend to become complex ourselves. We complicate things. As our responsibilities grow, our focus shifts from the simple things in life to the more worldly things, how to make more money, how to move up the corporate ladder, how to get the latest gadgets. What happens when we do this? We end up going after superficial things and not being truly satisfied with anything.

We've grown so much as an Apostolate these past years. We've done so much and worked so hard to serve God and others. Let's also learn to sit back and just enjoy the fruits of our labor, enjoy the friendships that we've developed through the years, enjoy the love and support we're receiving from the Singles who have become our family. But let's not also forget to bring back the glory to God, who made all of these things possible.

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